This Is It

Accept with joy the fate that befalls thee. Thine it is and not another’s. What then could be better for thee? Book vii 57. Marcus Aurelius Antonius

Monday, December 14, 2009

My first entry - a special thanks to Jack Weyland blog is named SO because those are my initials and I thought it would be kind of funny to start every post with that. I realize it's probably not funny at all, or really that clever, but oh well. Lindsay isn't here to pass the idea by.

So...I started this because I wanted to find my friends through blogger, but instead all I could find was information on how to start my own blog. My sister and my friend Ruthanne were making fun of a new Jack Weyland book because he's tried to update his stories (if you don't know him, he's a LDS author that writes books for teens, most with the same plot: a girl + a problem + a good religious guy = reactivation and overcoming of problem. e.g. Stephanie + drug abuse + Phil, the EQP = temple marriage and drug rehab with no relapse) with modern technology.

So a couple of weeks ago Ruthanne was explaining one of his books and that the main character, you guessed it, a girl that fits into the equation above, was a blogger. We more just laughed about how much we used to love Jack Weyland books and how they've skewed our sense of love and overcoming addiction...but then she started teasing about how Jack didn't really know what blogging was because he wrote about it awkwardly, like someone from the early 90s. :) And then I realized I didn't know what blogging was exactly. So here I am.


  1. Yay! I have been waiting for this day!!

    And be grateful your initials aren't B.O.

    Love ya!

  2. Love it! Can't wait to read more of your wonderful thoughts :)

  3. Glad you started a blog! We have a blog too, however it's private, if you just email me so I have your email address, I can send you an invite. My email is Hope you are doing well!

  4. By the way- I do think it's funny; it definitely would have passed inspection. :) I keep waiting for the next one...

  5. So...I loved your story but I know you as SEO. Keep reading those Jack Wayland novels. Dad

  6. SO... I have a blog too- and am happy to find you! Love your guts!
